Friday, September 9, 2011

Things that are supposedly to be posted here but not. Huahuahua

Hellooo. Be ready kay nk scroll hahah sbb byk nk cete ni. Mls nk buat byk2 post sooo kite sumbat in 1 post. heheh can la kn? :p so we have to follow the orders yg mane happen dlu okie hehe. The first 1 was KHALISH HAS GONE TO OTHER SCHOOL :( , next was ABAH'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION , and then ME GOING OUT WITH HIM AFTER 1 MONTH -_- hahaha , then UMI AND ABAH INTERVIEWING HIM hahah :) . Okay tu je kot. x lah byk sgt kan nk cram dlm post ni hehe :). Start with 


Aww Khalish i miss u already :(

This is very sad :( . I know it is hard and challenging to take care of him but none of his actions was his fault , it has something to do with (i can't recall what's the name of his penyakit). He's actually a sweet and cute boy bile die okay. And i know i kept complaining about how he behave but now i'm missing him :( . now he's gone to some special school that can help him. Well in the positive side , its good for him :) . Okay let's not be sad. We love you Khalish :).

 heheh see abah's face ( happy dah pencen kan abah kan? hehe)

 Baskin Robbin's cake (which i ate only the vanilla haha)

 Part of the dishes made by Kak Net (Yummy!!!)

Another part of it (Nandos Style kayyy) :p

It was just a small celebration but we made it haha. The cake was served after terawih hehe. Abah was happy bcos its also a celebration for his retirement ( heh dah tua abah kite ngee :p)

 Heheh muka happy nak pg berbuka :)

 Hungry face

 Hungry + Happy face :p

 His food . it's soooo cheesy 
 Mine :) . A bit masam this dish

 Our drinks . Mine is the right one. Sedaaaappp

 He insisted on buying this bag of marshmallow 

Its been 1 month i didnt met him. We was sooo happy that we can go berbuka together. He even mintak permission from umi (msg lg kay) hahah. Those foods and drinks are from T.G.I.F hehe. He belanja :) so good loll. okay x ingt details nak cete panjang2 pon huhu.


This one i have no pics. Xkan nk sibok2 amik gmbr time tgh ckp2 kan haha. It was a bit scary at first coz i dunno what they're going to ask. But overall it was okay. He talks A LOT :0 (not like ckp sepatah2). So now he's officially been introduced to umi and abah especially hehe. Okay me tired of writing. Toodles Love :) <3

PS : sorry sume kena teleng kepala hahaah. malas nk rotate ngeeee. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Raya :)

Hellooo. Selamat Hari Raya everybody :). Just got back from Johor (my grandma's house) for raya hehehe. Banyak dpt duit raya seronokkk hahhaa. Seminggu je cuti , next week start balik work and class erghh soooo boring :( . I need a break. X de time nk post blog ponnn. Kay whatever. Nk cete psl raya. 1st day of raya was at Keramat (also my grandma's house). It was ok, not soo happening like the past years. But the best thing was i got my new baby iphone hahahaaa (sumpah maneda org beli phone time raya kan? 1st day plak tu? -_- haha). Then 2nd day blik johor till today bru blik sini blik hehhe. Not the best raya i've celebrate la kn but it was okay la hehe. Kay2 nk unpack brg toodless :)