Monday, December 5, 2011

A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.

Hii everybodyy!!! :) i havent been updating much am i? Hahaa. Well im tooo busy as im having a short sem right now huhu. Okay actually tgh study for exam ni tp tibe2 rse nk update blog hehhe. Nk update skit je hehe. So just nk update about my baby gave me a bouquet for my birthday :) he's soo sweet. I never thought he would do something like that and i always thought he's not that type of person but well im wrong am i? Heheh btw, thanks baby for the bouquet. Now im gonna post some pics. Toodlesss :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

At lastt

They have invent this blogger app for my baby iphone. At last!!!!! Now can update my blog on the go hehehhe. Got sooo many stories to share hehhe. Wait okay. Later i'll tell summore. Muuaaah . Toodlesssss

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Smurf was smurfing awesome

Hhheh helloo. Well dh start cuti pon x update blog huhuh sbb mls nk on using lappy. I tot of just updating using my iphone but then mcmni la jdnye x leh nk buat any colour hermm. So saddd ehehhe but its okay lahh jnji updatw blog kankan heheh. Last monday, me and lisa went to Sunway Pyramid and we watched The Smurf heheheh. It was smurfing awesome kayy. I love the smurf so much hehhe. They all are soooo smurfin' cutee heheheh. Okay now i'm using smurf in all my sentences hahhaha. Ermm tu je la nk ckp psl smurf hehe. Oh btw, yesterday i went to Intan's houseee heheh damn miss her kayy. Lameee x jumpe die hehhe. So we went to Miam's Cafe at D'Bayu to try some desserts. And it was okaaay. Nak kate best gileee x jugak hahah. But okay la. Should go there again next time to try lunch or sumting coz the burger looks niceee heheh. Okayyy i'm going to take my shower and do some stuff. Toodlesss everyone. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Things that are supposedly to be posted here but not. Huahuahua

Hellooo. Be ready kay nk scroll hahah sbb byk nk cete ni. Mls nk buat byk2 post sooo kite sumbat in 1 post. heheh can la kn? :p so we have to follow the orders yg mane happen dlu okie hehe. The first 1 was KHALISH HAS GONE TO OTHER SCHOOL :( , next was ABAH'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION , and then ME GOING OUT WITH HIM AFTER 1 MONTH -_- hahaha , then UMI AND ABAH INTERVIEWING HIM hahah :) . Okay tu je kot. x lah byk sgt kan nk cram dlm post ni hehe :). Start with 


Aww Khalish i miss u already :(

This is very sad :( . I know it is hard and challenging to take care of him but none of his actions was his fault , it has something to do with (i can't recall what's the name of his penyakit). He's actually a sweet and cute boy bile die okay. And i know i kept complaining about how he behave but now i'm missing him :( . now he's gone to some special school that can help him. Well in the positive side , its good for him :) . Okay let's not be sad. We love you Khalish :).

 heheh see abah's face ( happy dah pencen kan abah kan? hehe)

 Baskin Robbin's cake (which i ate only the vanilla haha)

 Part of the dishes made by Kak Net (Yummy!!!)

Another part of it (Nandos Style kayyy) :p

It was just a small celebration but we made it haha. The cake was served after terawih hehe. Abah was happy bcos its also a celebration for his retirement ( heh dah tua abah kite ngee :p)

 Heheh muka happy nak pg berbuka :)

 Hungry face

 Hungry + Happy face :p

 His food . it's soooo cheesy 
 Mine :) . A bit masam this dish

 Our drinks . Mine is the right one. Sedaaaappp

 He insisted on buying this bag of marshmallow 

Its been 1 month i didnt met him. We was sooo happy that we can go berbuka together. He even mintak permission from umi (msg lg kay) hahah. Those foods and drinks are from T.G.I.F hehe. He belanja :) so good loll. okay x ingt details nak cete panjang2 pon huhu.


This one i have no pics. Xkan nk sibok2 amik gmbr time tgh ckp2 kan haha. It was a bit scary at first coz i dunno what they're going to ask. But overall it was okay. He talks A LOT :0 (not like ckp sepatah2). So now he's officially been introduced to umi and abah especially hehe. Okay me tired of writing. Toodles Love :) <3

PS : sorry sume kena teleng kepala hahaah. malas nk rotate ngeeee. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Raya :)

Hellooo. Selamat Hari Raya everybody :). Just got back from Johor (my grandma's house) for raya hehehe. Banyak dpt duit raya seronokkk hahhaa. Seminggu je cuti , next week start balik work and class erghh soooo boring :( . I need a break. X de time nk post blog ponnn. Kay whatever. Nk cete psl raya. 1st day of raya was at Keramat (also my grandma's house). It was ok, not soo happening like the past years. But the best thing was i got my new baby iphone hahahaaa (sumpah maneda org beli phone time raya kan? 1st day plak tu? -_- haha). Then 2nd day blik johor till today bru blik sini blik hehhe. Not the best raya i've celebrate la kn but it was okay la hehe. Kay2 nk unpack brg toodless :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Seriously, i've been busy with my assignmentsssss and presentationsss. So many work to do. Hardly had time to update my bloggy heheee. Promise will update very soon. heeeee. Yesterday , i was out with him heee sooooo missing him. Why la u have to study sooo jauh hahaah. okok nnti sambung kay x sempat ni nk packing baju. By the way , Happy Ramadhan (although its almost raya already , but better be late than nothing right?) and Happy Raya !!!!!. Dapat duit raya , share2 la skit okieee hehehe. Okay i gotta go start packing. Toodlesss. Will update very very soon okie muuuahh.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I hope...

Hiii. I just wanna say that I hope both of u last long :) . I just dun wanna see anyone's ♡ break. That's all I'm gonna say. Well some people say just let it be, atleast if sumting goes wrong they'll learn from their experience. I hope u do. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just taking some picturess :)

Helloooo :) So recently ade amik some pics of my "kids" at my workplace. Therefore , take a look heheh :p

Introducing :

Up : Harezz Hazwan , Down : Khairin

Up : Awang , Down : Umar

 Up : Adrian , Down : Amir

 Up : Khalish , Down : Ariff

Up : Irfan , Down : Sharifah

Up : Intan , Down : Shaheen

Up : Martin , Down : Qistina

 Up : Camille , Down: Kyra

Up : Saralissa , Down : Siddhartan

Ok maybe some student were missing in those pictures but ade yg gmbr berdua2 or beramai2 so lets see 

Up : that is what it looks like mse recess , Down : thats Adrian and Umar

Up : Saralissa , Khalish and Intan , Down : Amir and Harezz ( which doesnt always smile like that )

 Up : That is when they have to do the 'circle time' , Down : Siddhartan , Shaheen , Amir , Hervind

Up : Martin and Hervind (very notty ) , Down : Again its Harezz

Okayyy so thats all. i think there are some students thats not in those pics due to absent so thats it. Have fun scrolling hahah :p

Monday, April 11, 2011


Errmm Hi! :) . Lame ler x tulis blogg hee. Well skrnk x on gune comp dh so mcm malaasss. But since terjumpe 1 apps blog for bb so senang la skit knkn. Hehee. Okay btw ape nk update eh? Ermm hri tu SPM result dpt ...... Theennnn nowww I'm working at CEC that stands for Child Education Centre hohohoh. Pastuuu I'll be signing up at Segi hehee. :) a bit happy. Tu je la updatee kankan. Ape laaaaagiii nk ckp eh. Hermmmm. Tu je kot. Kay nnti kalau ade lg kite re-post eh eh byeeeeeee. :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Okay people start following me hahaha. I'll follow u back okie :)

Monday, January 24, 2011


Arrrggghhhh damnnnn!!!! gile boring herrrrhhh. best lagi pg skolah buat homework rather than stuck at home doing nothing and getting fatter!!. huhu . Ohhh i forgot to say Helllo :) . Heeheh i kinda miss school haisssh. Korang yg still skolah tu jgn lah pkir nk cpt2 abis bcz its sooo boring okayy. by now i think sume shopping mall aku dh khatam hahhaha. Bile nk masok college ni haha x sabar nk study again loll. Btw im thinking of taking Pyschology because it sounds cool n i can help people by being a counselor hehe. But umi (my mom) keep asking me to take Nursing. NOOO!!! I dun likeee itt. Scrary kott. Ade blood ade needle demmm :S. Superb scary hahha. kayyy dah x de bnda nk cete. lgpun umi nk gune lappy. Tata u all. muah muah :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Zoo Negara :)

Hello hehe. ermm (8/01/10) i went to Zoo Negara with him ehhehe. Dye lah bg idea sbb die kate bosan lah pegi sunway sume so nk pg some place new heheh. Soo kiteorg pegi lah Zoo hahah mse nk pg tuh dye cam x tau direction sgt lah so call papa dye lah hehe. But ape2 pun selamat sampai okiee. Byk pic tp ni yg nawal rajin nak upload je kayyy :)


tu jeeeeee :)